The Internet Wants You: Consider a Career in Cybersecurity

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Week 4

The internet Wants You: Consider a Career in Cybersecurity


Our economy is experiencing and at risk for a shortage in cybersecurity professionals to help protect our extensive networks. According to a study the Center of Cyber Safety and Education preformed, by the year 2022, there will be a shortage of about 1.8 million information security workers. Encouraging students today to pursue and explore a career cybersecurity as a viable and rewarding profession is very important [2].

With the rise of cyber-attacks, companies want to hire more cybersecurity professionals to help better protect their sensitive information and profits. In 2013, Target incurred $292 million in damages after a breach. In 2014, Home Depot incurred $298 million from a breach. Protecting your company’s information is one of the most important things along with having the right people in place can make a world of a difference and save the company a lot of time and money from potential breaches [1].

Here is a list of jobs that can appeal to a variety of career possibilities [1]: 

  • Analyst: Most common job in cybersecurity, you will assess risk and provide advice about security systems.
  • Engineer: You will design and build security solutions for systems and networks.
  • Manager: Manage employees and make sure tasks are getting completed and possess the ability to translate technical language and normal language.
  • Coder: Software coding has been a cybersecurity job for many years, now requires people who can design and build security software.
  • Pen Tester: Penetration Testing is the term for attempting to break software or system and then finding a find or fix weakness.
  • Investigator: Digital forensics is a growing career along with the increase in cybercrime. Solving mysteries is a big part of the job long with gathering and analyzing evidence to solve crimes.
  • Incident Reporter: Organizations with requirements for strong security, such as the military, have people who actively monitor and fight attacks on their systems.

Key Influencers, such as parents, teachers, guidance counselors and state local officials, will learn more about this growing career field and how to properly engage youth in pursuing a career in cybersecurity [2].






Mathew DeWees, President at Virtual DataWorks
[email protected] | (330) 800-2186

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